Character parties for the shy 101

Every child reacts differently to meeting their favorite character for the first time. Some are ecstatic while others may be shy. Worried your child may be too shy to interact with the character? Here are some tips that might help!

Give them a heads up

The element of surprise is what will turn many kids to become shy. You wouldn’t expect to see your favorite celebrity at your front door, so neither do they! Let them know that you invited said character to their birthday party well in advance and give them time to get adjusted to the idea. This will help avoid the “star struck” phase of their visit, so they can jump right into the fun when your character arrives!

Talk about the visit like it is normal

As they get used to the idea of having their favorite princess/hero/etc. at their party, keep talking about it! Tell them what the character will be wearing, show them videos/photos, watch their movie, talk about what activities they may do. Some children will begin to worry not knowing all the details, let them know up front! Turning the nervousness into excitement is a sure fire way to ensure your child is ready for their visit.

Don’t rush them to make friends

If your child is still shy or a little hesitant to interact with the character when they arrive, don’t worry about rushing them for the sake of a timed visit. We find that when kids are pushed into “making friends” before they are ready, they will end up doing the very opposite. Our performers are trained to handle shy children and make them feel included. Don’t be afraid that your child will not get any attention because they are hiding or being quiet. Our characters will simply adjust activities to their comfort level!

Stay by their side

You are your child’s comfort in unknown situations! By participating in activities, you are showing them that it is safe. Give them the option to do things with you like taking photos, dancing, or talking to the character. Some characters may ask questions such as “What is your favorite color?”, allow yourself to become a “translator” and have your child tell you instead. This gives your child the opportunity to participate while still feeling secure next to you!

We have held hundreds of parties and worked with thousands of children, and understand every child has a unique way of interacting with their favorite characters. That is why we train our performers the way we do, so that everyone gets the opportunity to experience the magic they way they feel most comfortable. Many times we see kids start out very shy and by the end of the party they are asking our characters if they’ll come back! Our goal at Magic & Main is to include everyone at every event we attend, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have questions or concerns before your party. We always aim to be accommodating while creating memories!


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